
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Going Down the Rabbit Hole

Oh yes I went there and you have too. We all have found ourselves "going down the rabbit hole" of social media.

Remember Alice in Wonderland and the White Rabbit? Alice is bored and she sees the White Rabbit hurry past. Alice decides to follow the White Rabbit down the rabbit hole and suddenly finds herself in a long, curious hallway with many doors.

What is the social media rabbit hole? To me, it is reading every tweet or Facebook post in your time line/news feed, clicking on every link offered, looking at every picture posted etc. Before you know it hours are gone. You might not be bored anymore but did you find valuable information? Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't.

I like to stay organized and focused when I'm working. Twitter and Facebook offer features to keep you organized and not miss anything of importance.

For Twitter, are you using lists and favorites? I love lists! I create lists and add my twitter friends/followers to lists which best represent their brand etc. For example, 24/7 Live Reps has created eight lists. Lists will help you focus and stay organized. Being listed on Twitter is status also. When you list someone, the potential for reciprocating the following and listing is good. If you're really good at listing and organizing, keep your lists public and others can follow the list too.

Another Twitter feature is Favorite tweets. See a tweet you like and want to remember it, make it a favorite! I do this for tweets with links that I don't want to forget. I can then access the information quickly and give kudos to the individual who share the information.

On Facebook, I only scan back the last couple of pages or check Status Updates. When you look at status updates, you only get the recent updates of your friends. Do you follow pages, the check your Facebook messages, click on updates and you'll find what's new for pages you follow.

The majority of us are logging into our social media sites daily and checking conversations etc. which effect our productivity. There are more tips and tricks but these few should get you out of "the rabbit hole."

"Like" us on Facebook

"Follow" us on Twitter

The Snob and Social Media

Are you a Twitter snob? Don't know what a Twitter snob is and if you're in that category?

From where I sit a Twitter snob is someone who wants lots of followers but only follows a few back. You're out of balance and have no intention of conversing with your thousands of followers. You feel what you have to say is very important and many people should listen, but you're not interested in hearing what your followers are saying. Sound familiar?

But you say, "I don't want to follow lots of people because I don't want to be spammed and marketed to." Seriously? Really? First of all, you notice you're following someone on Twitter who is "spamming" (tweeting every minute and not conversing), click the "UNFOLLOW" button. Spamming, in my eyes, is aggressive, but a little shameless self-promotion or marketing is good. I've gotten some of the best news and deals from individuals who are sharing/marketing themselves, but also replying and re-tweeting.

For example, when I first found Tina Stull, @tinastullracing on Twitter, she had about 8,000 followers. Today she has grown her Twitter account to 52,962 Followers, but she follows 52,383. My point is she is keeping a healthy balance and sharing. Personally, Tina has listed my personal account, @lgsears on Twitter, in her list "Real Tweeters - people who respond and actually talk." Hint, Hint, respond and talk to each other. Yes, Tina and I have conversed on Twitter and Facebook.

So you say, "That's great but what has that many followers done for her?" This is a true testament to the ROI capabilities of social media. Tina is now in the Sears catalog and part of the Blue tool crew. Fitting for a female drag race driver! Sears chose her due in part to her Twitter presence. Not bad . . .

So when you think you're only going to follow a few select people and ignore the rest of us, think again. If your objective for Twitter is too bring awareness, exposure and effect an ROI, reciprocating and following back would be a very good idea.

For those individuals whose Twitter objective is to just "hook up" with friends, that's fine and obvious to the general public. You might want to even "block" your account so the general public can't see your tweets.

Twitter is a wonderful platform to build a community when you use the "What's happening now" mind set. The point is be friendly, follow back, retweet, reply and share, it's what works.

Follow us on Twitter: @247livereps
Like us on Facebook: 24/7 Live Reps
Want to do business with 24/7 Live Reps? Visit our website:

Monday, May 17, 2010

Have You Heard About . . .

Over the years, we all have recommended someone or something to our friends, family or co-workers. In business it's called word of mouth marketing and as a business owner you couldn't pay enough for that kind of advertising.

Remember when you shared a favorite song from a new artist with your friends or you recommended a restaurant or a great place to shop? Those recommendations possibly turned the people you knew into new fans or customers of that artist or business. Even better, those new fans or customers were better fans or customers than individuals that were prompted to check out the business by a normal advertising platform. In the end, referrals turned into fans or customers who spent more, complained less and were loyal to your brand.

In today's world of social media, you can use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, You Tube or your blog to achieve word of mouth marketing. With so many conversations occurring on these sites, your message has the potential to get passed on or "go viral" much more quickly than ever before. With the ability to share links, posts and do re-tweets, your business, brand or personality should be utilizing social media effectively.

When working with a professional social media representative, you can develop a strategy that works for your business, brand etc. Keeping customers or fans excited and loyal to you should be part of the strategy. We've all heard content is king and that is still true today. Professional social media representation is a great way to get creative content and personality that speaks to your fans or customers.

So give people something to talk about and let the word spread!

Want to do business with us?

Monday, March 15, 2010

What came first the celebrity or the fan?

In the age old question of what came first the chicken or the egg, we can rephrase and ask the same of celebrities and fans. To acquire a fan base, must you be a celebrity first or having fans is what propels you to be a celebrity?

I lean to the idea that it takes fans which will propel someone or something into the celebrity status roll. Fans are why artists keep working hard at being seen or heard. Fans are the adrenaline that supports the artist.

In a recent study, it has become apparent that in today's world there are more celebrities than fans. A current ratio of celebrity to fan is 52:48 and is due to multiple factors. (Avant News, Study: American Celebrities Now Outnumber Fans)

With the rise of new artists reaching for celebrity status, it appears the fans are a huge commodity that needs attention. As an upcoming artist/celebrity, you are doing videos, interviews on TV and radio, touring and being seen at events, but are you talking to your fans? Regularly?

Fans can be high maintenance and require attention. When silence is too lengthy fans may not hear you when you make an announcement. Social media is an excellent tool to keep fans up to date and in your loop. There are numerous topics and information that can be shared without being on tour and tour/performance isn't the only information to share.

Companies like 24/7 Live Reps, can fill the gap between the artist, agency and fans by being available to your fans and interacting with them regularly. We are only about social media and fill the niche where the fans are actively present. Let us help maintain your current fans while building your fan base. Who knows, you may become a star in record time because your fans are excited, loyal and spreading the word. For more information reply to the blog, follow @247livereps on Twitter or email us.

Monday, February 15, 2010



You have just found the blog for an innovative social media company. Social media, the buzz, and the new way to do business. 24/7 Live Reps is here to fill a much needed niche in the world of social media.

There are many social media gurus and mentors more than available to teach you how to use social media for your business. You know you should jump on the social media speedway and get going, but you have a business to run and now one more thing the experts say you must do to set your business up for the future. But the biggest objections and fears are: 1. You just don't want to take on one more thing in the running of your business, 2. You really don't understand social media and 3. You don't know what to say. Now what do you do?

That's where we come in. How would you like to have an entity be excited about what your business does and tells everybody how wonderful you and your company are? Word of mouth marketing that reaches everyone faster with the potential to spread to the masses and get them excited.

The dramatic difference 24/7 Live Reps can offer is a combination of knowledge on social media and how to use it, over 20 years experience is the marketing, sales, advertising industry, and personality that will attract customers to you like gravity.

The combination of all the above gets you noticed on the big social media sites, like Twitter, Facebook and You Tube. You and your business is represented by 24/7 Live Reps and fans, friends or followers will not know it's not you!

Our experience has shown that in some cases, in as little as six months, business and personalities have seen an increase their bottom lines.

Want to know more? Reply to our blog to find out more.